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Yoga Saraswati®


“Spirituality is an area of experience of harmony between our inner world and the outer world.”

(Translated from French, Swami Paramatma Saraswati)


Yoga provides tools for unfolding and awakening the potential in every person’s being and transforming life into an expression of joy. It offers ways to (better) control the mind, to reduce suffering, to change automatic behaviours and to stimulate a deeper understanding of thinking and being.


Traditionally, a Hatha yoga lesson consists of a moment to interiorize, different postures (asanas), Pranayama (breathing technique) and a relaxation technique through Yoga Nidra. These lessons are much more than gymnastics, so it is not about physical performance or to exercise dynamically, but to achieve balance. 


The postures, as experienced by the yogis who developed them, are based on a very precise knowledge of human physiology and that is why they are so effective. Through the teachings of Yoga Saraswati®, you are guided to relax your body to be able to concentrate and to become more and more sensitive and precise in observing everything that is going on inside and thus to better understand and see your own functioning. This allows an awakening to gradually expand the field of consciousness and knowledge and open it to a new vision of life. Hatha yoga prepares and establishes the basics of an elaborative work on yourself and the steps to self-knowledge. 


Yoga is a wonderful path for holistic well-being and health that allows profound self-study.


Yoga & Chaja


Most likely without realising it, I have always known that there should be more to life than what I was presented with and how I was raised. Essentially, I am no different from anyone else; every person has this possibility and should grab the opportunity to discover their qualities and potentials. And for me that has broadened my vision of life, my connection to my inner world and breath and has allowed me to live in full awareness and to create, through YOGA. 


Layers of particular traumatic experiences have left their imprint on me, but it has become very clear to me, mainly through yoga, that they do not have to contain me, that they no longer have to construct my body and that they no longer have to influence my behaviours and reactions. It is a beautiful and interesting experience to get beyond the physical body and even the mind to not be or remain captured by repetition, pain, anger, stubbornness, anxieties, etc. Create big(ger) and feel the light and energy streaming through your being.


Through several years of Hatha/Kundalini yoga lessons with Michelle, a very fascinating Dutch yoga teacher, I became captivated by the science of yoga, and in particular the immense possibilities of my breath. I started a Hatha Yoga Saraswati® teachers training in France which lasted three years. Three years of intense practice and study with Swami Paramatma Saraswati and Swami Vidya Shakti Saraswati at the Center of Yoga Saraswati – Bija Yoga Leuhan.


And still so much more to learn and to explore.


With a professional background in international communication and knowledge of different languages and cultural awareness, it is interesting to see how I can bring these qualities together with yoga. In my experience thus far, there is so much intelligence in and energy in breathing. And it is important to share that with people, even more so during these globally difficult and challenging times. At any time it is important to clean from the inside, to connect to your inner self, to stimulate energy, to disconnect from the outer world and to stimulate your immune system.  


That is the gentle deep dive you will experience during my lessons.

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